Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta were married since two years. After their wedding, Arnav insisted that she completes her journalism studies while he was successfully running his new company in the construction business.. He believed that Khushi always loved to live independently, and he would not let this change. He no more helped his sister in the fashion house as his beloved wife took up his role. Sometimes he just feels like being an outsider in between the two ladies. Khushi still worked at the nightclub as part time DJ, her favorite hobby and at times she brought Anjali with her while one of the guys, either Arnav or Rahul sneaked in to protect the ladies of their life.. In the nightclub, she was no more Kashish, but Mrs Raizada.. and she so liked it to be called by her surname... She said that when she is addressed by Mrs Raizada.. she felt even more sexier than before.. In other words, Arnav and Khushi were the most perfect and happening couple in town.
Location: London... Raizada mansion
2 years later..
The house was in full preparations for two upcoming weddings... The wedding of NK-Nats and Viren-Lavanya were to be held tonight and while his Di and jiju were too busy, Arnav was given only two simple tasks. The first one was to take care of his one and a half years old niece, Amishka.. and the second one... to handle his crazy wife.. Khushi was in her 9 months and the date was nearing.. The wedding was to be postponed to the next year as Anjali and Payal believed a lot in astrology and according to the panditji, the couple should get married now or next year.. But thankfully to Khushi, the couple didn't have to wait more as she promised the elders that she will not exhaust herself in the preparations and will stay in her room taking rest like a good girl. But these promises had consequences.. Arnav was breathless.. He stopped and bent down holding his knees.. He was tired.. Tired of running.. He took another breath, and bravely ran up the stairs to his room... Khushi was comfortably settled in bed with Amishka playing by her side.. As Arnav entered the room, she was laughing her heart out at the joey and chandler scenes from friends episodes on tv.. His chef cap on his head, Arnav brought a smile on his face and walked to Khushi with a plate full of jalebi.. As her eyes fell on the jalebis, she bit her lips deliciously before snatching the plate from Arnav's hand. Arnav could only nodded unbelievably.. Khushi was crazy and Kashish crazier, he knew that.. but he never thought that pregnancy adds to the craziness of the woman.. She stuffed down all the jalebi while Arnav admired her, eating like a mad woman.. A smile curved on his lips..
ASR thinks: Gosh! What is she made of? She's so sexy no matter the situation..
His trance broke as he heard Khushi in her innocent voice..
Khushi: Arnieee...
His eyes popped out as he understood her tricks. He finally lashed out and yelled on her..
ASR: No Khushi, not again..it's the 10th time I went to the kitchen for you.. and the last time also!
Khushi pouted, her eyes welled up with tears and making a puppy sad face, she said...
Khushi: Chilla kyun rahe... (Why are you yelling...) I just needed a hug!
She grimaced sadly and lowered her eyes.. Arnav felt guilty as his heart ached on seeing his angel's tears. Immediately he sat on the bed and cupped her face. He wiped her tears and said guiltily..
ASR: I'm sorry baby.. I'm really sorry!
He hugged her and Khushi passed her arms around his back as she laid her head on his shoulders. A victorious smile played on her lips and she said..
Khushi: Arnieee..
ASR: hmm..
Khushi: The baby wants to eat pizza.
He pulled off her hug and stared at her mischievous pout... She couldn't control her laughter anymore, and burst out laughing at the fooled expression of Arnav. Arnav was now irritated and moved out of the bed while in a serious tone he said...
ASR: Fine! I'll get you your pizza!
Arnav removed his chef cap, turned and walked away angrily while Khushi smacked her head for irritating Arnav again.. As she called him, he ignored her when suddenly...
Khushi: Aaa!
She held her tummy in pain. Arnav turned on the spot and rushed to Khushi worriedly..As she touched her, her scream stopped and Arnav understood that she was faking as usual.. Cutely she held her ears and said..
Khushi: I'm sorry.. I'm really very sorry! I won't do it again...
He signed irritatingly and said in a serious tone..
ASR: Khushi, I don't care if you do it again and again.. I'm ready to run from the room to the kitchen the whole day for you. But the fact is, why are you doing it? And don't tell me because you are hungry!
Khushi pouted as guilt was clearly written on her face.
Khushi: Because when you do things for me, it makes me feel special even if I'm fat, grumpy and I look terribly ugly..
He stared at her guilty face till he burst out laughing. She knew he would laugh if she told him the truth and now she was irritated. Arnav nodded smilingly while she looked away angrily. He forced her to move slightly and took place into the bed next to her. Both had their back rested on the headboard and he passed his one arm on her shoulders and pulled her to lean on his chest... He pulled the quilt on them up to their waist and stared at her..
ASR: Now how do you feel?
She said in a serious tone..
Khushi: Better!
He approached her ears and whispered something which instantly brought a bright smile on her face.. Their lips brushed each other and he looked into her eyes as she said naughtily...
Khushi: Much Better!
Arnav smirked victoriously and was about to capture her lips when suddenly the little Amishka giggled as she glared confusingly at the lovey-dovey couple. Both look at the kid and laughed as the baby crawled onto their legs. Arnav played with the kid while Khushi admired them.. A knock on the door and the couple looked towards HP who rushed into the room...
HP: Arnav beta, Anjali betiya ne kaha ke mein amishka ko lekar niche ajao aur ap dono tayar hosakte.. (Anjali told to bring Amishka down and that you both should get ready..)
ASR: Ok..
HP took Amishka and walked away while Arnav and Khushi stayed cuddle to each other.. Khushi rested her head on his chest happily..
Khushi: Arnav!
ASR: Hmm..
She raised her face and looked at him..
Khushi: Thank you!
He looked at her confused..
ASR: For what?
Khushi: For this... our happy world! I never thought I'll have such a happy family..
She leaned back on his chest while he kissed on her head.
Khushi: I'm so happy.. my life is perfect.. there's you.. Di, Jiju,, Amishka.. I've missed Babhi and Anu a lot, thank god Bhai will be working in London now.. I'm also happy for our friends.. Viren and Lavanya are so made for each other.. and Nats and NK, gosh I still can't believe that NK's name is NandKishore.. Nats says if she knew this from before she would have never fallen for him..
And she laughed happily. She felt Arnav laid his hand on her baby bump and she lifted her eyes to face him..
ASR: And our angel!
Khushi smiled while a tear fell down her cheeks..
ASR: I'm so waiting to hold her in my arms.. I bet she would be the same as you.. pyarii aur todi si pagal.. aur tum dono ladies ko sambalte main pagal ho jaoonga..(cute and a bit crazy.. and to handle you both crazy ladies, I'll go crazy..)
Khushi chuckled as she caressed his face and pecked his lips. They stared at each other, and he brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Anjali, Payal and Anu were at the door. While Anjali and Payal got so emotional seeing their siblings so happy in their life, Anu was so excited to see her hottie and hotwaa. And she naughtily interrupted them..
Anu: Hey love birds, should I close the door?
They lifted their eyes towards the door. Khushi chuckled while Arnav felt really awkward at the staring of the ladies.. All burst out laughing at him.. The ladies walked to them..
Anjali: Arnav, you'll do me a great favor if you both get ready.. Romance can wait and Khushi needs extra time as she has to get dressed carefully..
ASR: Don't worry Di I'll take care of her.. You go!
Anu's jaw dropped and her hands on her waist she said in a serious tone...
Anu: Are you driving us away?
And Arnav nodded a yes..
ASR: Yes I am.. come on, out everyone!
The ladies giggled as Arnav got off the bed and drove them out of his room. He closed the door and turned to Khushi who looked at him with a naughty smile. She gave her a sexy flying kiss and he walked to her, lifting her from the bed. He carried her to the bathroom and closed the door with his leg as Khushi smiled to his man.
The rituals were going on.. there were two mandaps and the brides and grooms looked very happy.. Arnav didn't leave Khushi's side a single moment.. Khushi was enough stubborn to convince him to let her stand and enjoy the wedding of her best friends.. Arnav had his arms around her waist throughout all the rituals.. Khushi's face glowed with happiness as the bride and groom exchanged the garlands. Suddenly her expressions changed as she sensed a painful move in her tummy.. She was breathing heavily when Arnav looked at her.. He panicked as he saw her.
ASR: Khushi!
Instantly she held his hand signing him not to panic in front of everyone. She didn't want to ruin the ceremony. Arnav understood and held her tightly as silently they sneaked out of the hall.. On his way he called the guards to bring the car at the door.. He helped her getting into the car and zoomed off to the hospital.. Khushi was in pain.. he called the doctor informing him that they are reaching the hospital as Khushi was in labour. He was driving as fast as he could while Khushi yelled in pain...
Khushi(yelling): What the f**k? It's hurting man...
Arnav tried his best to calm her.. but he was more nervous.. he prepared himself for this moment but he couldn't see her in this state.. All the way he prayed to god to keep his Khushi and his baby safe while Khushi kept on yelling...
Khushi: Aaa! Stop hurting me you son of a...
She stopped as Arnav yelled louder..
ASR: Khushi!
Khushi looked at him angrily.
Khushi: What?
ASR: Mind your tongue.. this is my baby you are talking about..
Khushi: What the hell, here I'm having contractions over contractions and you... don't even want to lose a chance to fight!
ASR: Shut up!
They finally reached the hospital... the nurses and doctor were already standby at the main door waiting for them. Bramwell was the best hospital and Arnav made sure that Khushi will get the best facilities during her delivery. Arnav lifted her in his arms and placed her on the stretcher... The doctor reassured Arnav that there is no worry while Khushi screamed out.. They were pushing the stretcher while Arnav talked to Khushi trying to calm her.. Khushi grabbed his collar and yelled at him..
Khushi: What the hell did you do to me? All this is your fault? Aaahhh!
ASR thinks: Unbelievable!
Arnav nodded in disbelief while the nurses giggled at the fighting couple. As they reached the delivery wards, Khushi held Arnav's hand in fear and the doctor looked at Arnav...
Doctor: Mr Raizada, you can be with her for the delivery.
ASR: Ok Doc, thank you!
The contractions were violent and she was ready for the delivery. Arnav held her hands as she cried in pain after each contraction.. Arnav wiped off the sweat on her forehead.. She was tired, but she had to continue.. for the man by her side.. He kept on encouraging her, holding her hand.. As the doctor told her to push one last time.. breathless, her tears falling, she looked at Arnav..
ASR: One last time baby!
The love of Arnav could make her do anything.. As they looked at each other.. she pushed harder crying out loud.. They finally heard the cries of the baby and Khushi fell back onto the pillow completely exhausted.
Doc: It's a beautiful princess.
Arnav's eyes welled up with tears as he said to his wife..
ASR: You've done it!
Khushi nodded.
Khushi: No... We've done it!
The nurse came to them with the baby enveloped into a white towel and placed her into the arms of Khushi. She was finally here, the little angel made of love.. She kissed her daughter's forehead and then looked at her teary husband..
Khushi: You want to hold her..
Arnav nodded a yes.. and Khushi helped him to hold the baby.. She was so small, so delicate.. Khushi stared at Arnav while he kissed his baby.. He was proud of his wife, proud of himself..
ASR: She's so beautiful...

He placed the baby back into the arms of his wife and sat next to her.. He passed his arms around her shoulders while Khushi talked to her daughter in a baby voice.. Khushi turned to face Arnav and saw how he was staring at her when he suddenly captured her lips. A kiss of love.. of happiness.. the proud feeling of being a husband to Khushi and finally becoming a father.. He was the happiest man ever.. They broke apart, their nose still touching each other.. He whispered against her lips...
ASR: Thank you Khushi
Khushi: I love you Arnav...
ASR: I love you too..
Arnav hugged Khushi and his little angel. Impatient, Anjali finally cleared her throat to get the attention of the couple. They looked towards the door where Anjali, Payal, Rahul, Anu, Shyam, Viren, Lavanya, NK and Nats were eagerly waiting to have a glimpse of the new born. Anjali said pleadingly...
Anjali: Can we come in pleaseee?
The couple chuckled... and said in unison..
Arshi: Come in!
The bunch of people rushed in and it was a battalion who will hold the baby first.. Arnav and Khushi stayed cuddle to each other as their angel was flying from one hand to another. Finally it was the turn of Anu who's been waiting for long desperately.. Payal placed the baby in her arms carefully and everyone admired her.. Anu's happiness knew no bound.. She was the most excited about this pregnancy.. Anjali turned towards Arnav and Khushi excitedly and said...
Anjali: Have you guys thought about a name?
Arnav and Khushi turned to each other and then shifted their eyes to Anu. The gang was confused while Anu was completely ignorant of the stare on her.
ASR: Anu!
She lifted her eyes towards Arnav questioningly.
ASR: Have you decided a name for the baby?
Her eyes popped out while the other looked at each other confused...
Anu: You.. you remembered?
Khushi and Arnav smiled.
ASR: Of course I remember our deal.. You help me to marry Khushi and in return I'll let you decide the name of our first baby! Right?
Anu smiled excitedly while everyone had tears in their eyes.. Tears of happiness..
Anjali: So Anu tell naaa, what's her name going to be?
All looked at her impatiently and she said..
Anu: A for Arnav and K for Khushi
They stared at her confusingly.. She smirked and as she said the next few words, they were all awed at the name of the baby..
~Her name is AKira~
beautiful FF. i had been reading it on and off but to have completed it DDLJ style :)
ReplyDeleteWow a nice story. Loved the attentive and caring Arnav and the Crazy Khushi and their beautiful baby Akira!!
ReplyDeletethank youu..
ReplyDeleteStill my fav <3
ReplyDeleteAww ive read this over and over:D
And it still feels great!